Biblioteca de Colores is an educational project about family diversity which consists of sending a batch of books to the interested education centers, books are divided into different cycles from 0-3 up to high school level. The mission of the project is to create a more respectful and inclusive world where, with our differences, we feel that we are part of it in equal treatment.

The center must commit to work on affective-sexual diversity in the family environment. Once the books have been studied in the classrooms, we would be interested to assess the impact of the project through the opinion of the centers on the process and their reflections. For this reason, a final evaluation of the mentioned project must be done.

If you are interested in participating in this project, fill out the following form:

      • You are interested in working on family diversity in the classroom with the materials sent by Galehi, both with the students and with the teachers.
      • The books will be read in the classrooms of the requested cycle and activities related to the choice of the center will be generated, as long as they are aimed at positively promoting the inclusion of all family models in all possible curricular areas.
      • Once the process is complete, you agree to send Galehi a questionnaire in order to find out what actions have been carried out and how the material has been worked on.