This website is property of Galehi, Asociación de familias LGTBI, with the following data:

  • Commercial name: Asociación de Gais y Lesbianas con hijos o hijas – GALEHI
  • Trade name: Galehi, Asociación de familias LGTBI
  • Address: Plaza de Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, 1, 2º, 28004 Madrid
  • Phone number: 628794 429
  • e-mail:
  • CIF: G84642412
  • Web domain:



The service provider, from now on Galehi, makes available for the user the present document, according to the Law 34/2002, of Society Services of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).

Anyone who accesses to the current Website becomes User, undertaking the commitment to strictly follow the disposals here depicted as well as any other legal applicable disposal.

The use of this website implies the total agreement by the User of the current General Terms of Use of this website in the very moment the User enters it. Thus if the User does not agree, mustn’t use this website. Galehi reserves the right to::

  • Modify anytime the current General Terms of use as well as any other general or particular terms, use regulations or any other applicable notices.
  • Modify any information that could appear in the current Website, without the commitment to advance notice or notify the User such obligations, understanding as sufficient the publication in the website of the service provider.
  • Suspend, interrupt or cease to operate on the website anytime..

The website provides the users free access to it, although some services may depend on Particular Terms, in which case they will make it available.

Accessing, navigating and using the current Website is the user’s responsibility, for what it commits to use contents diligent, proper and lawfully..



Galehi holds itself exempted from liability for any information published in this website, as long as such information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside the website.

This website may direct you to other webpages you can access through different buttons, links etc.

Such links are not a suggestion, invitation or recommendation to visit those other webpages. For this reason the current website doesn’t take responsibility for the result obtained if those webpages are visited.

The links on this website may direct users to third webpages, for what Galehi doesn’t take responsibility for the content, information or services those webpages could provide, which in any case implies connection between Galehi and the people or entities content holders.

In any case, Galehi states that will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content disregarding national or international law, moral or public order by the immediate removal of such link and notifying the authorities in charge about the content in question.

Galehi doesn’t take responsibility for the information and contents stored, including but not in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social media and any other way that could allow third parties publish content in Galehi’s webpage.

Galehi doesn’t take responsibility for the opinion, images, texts or others that the authors or readers will be legally responsible of such content and understanding the signatory author will be the one responsible. In the case of a legal conflict with any aspect of the published article the applicant will have to prove conclusively and by complaint, the alleged offence or misdemeanour committed by the author, in which case the article will be removed until there is an agreement or a court sentence. The result will be announced in the blog.

However and in accordance with the art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, Galehi makes available for all the user’s, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborating in the withdrawal or block of all the contents that could affect or defy the national or international law, the right or moral of third parties or the public order.

In such case a user considers that there is in this website that may be susceptible to this classification, notify immediately to the website administrator (

This website has been reviewed and tested so it works properly. In principle, the provider ensures the proper functioning during 365 days, 24 hours a day. However, Galehi admits the existence of programming errors or others that can occur by force majeure such as natural catastrophes, strikes or other similar circumstances which may obstacle the access to the website.



All of personal data obtained by the website will be included in a file in order to manage our relationship and keep the user updated about our services, in accordance with the guarantees set out in the article 9 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th of Personal Data Protection, of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27th 2016.

  • Data of the responsible for treatment: Galehi.
  • Treated data: the data included in the website forms (Biblioteca de Colores, Escuelas Diversas, Diversidad en Empresas e Instituciones y Asóciate).
  • Storage files: Family files, “Escuelas Diversas” file, “Diversidad en Empresas e Instituciones” file and “Biblioteca de Colores” file.
  • The purpose of the data management: In case the user associates or makes a donation, the data will be used to manage the contribution and to send the User updated information about our activities. In the case the User asked for information about Biblioteca de Colores, Diversidad en Empresas e Instituciones or Escuelas Diversas, the users data will be included in the corresponding file and will be sent information concerning such projects, as well as newsletters about our activities.
  • User’s obligation or not of providing the personal data and the consequences for not providing them: it will be necessary to include at least the data requested on those fields marked with an asterisk(*). Otherwise, Galehi will not be able to act according to the established relationship.

User’s data could be transferred to the authorities in charge in case there is legal obligation.

Galehi informes the User of its right to access, rectify, cancel and opposition to their data, by sending the request to the following address: Plaza de Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, 1, 2º, 28004 Madrid, identifying the request with the reference “Data Protection “.



This website, including but not limited it’s program, information edition, compilation and other operations necessary for its functioning, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of the provider or, in its case the website has license or authorization expresses on the part of the authors. All the website contents are protected by industrial and intellectual property regulation and they are registered in the corresponding public registers.
Independently of the purpose to which it is destined, the purpose to which it is destined, the partial or total reproduction, usage, exploitation, distribution or commercialisation, requires, in all the cases, the previous written authorization of Galehi. Any usage not previously authorised by the provider will be considered a serious infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.
The design, the  logotypes, the text and/or graphics which are not property of Galehi, and that could appear in the current website, belong to their owners, and for that reason they would be responsible for any controversy they could cause. Any case, the provider has expressed prior authorisation of its owners.
Galehi expressly authorizes third parties  to redirect directly to the specific contents of the website, having to forward in any case to the principal web site of Galehi.

Galehi acknowledges, in favour of the holders of the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, their mere mention or appearance in the Website does not imply the existence  of any rights or responsibilities on the part of the provider nor does it imply support, patronage, or recommendation by the provider.

Any observation concerning the infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights relating to any of the contents of the website, the User can send the request to



To obtain information about the cookies used in this website, the User can consult our Cookies Policy.



For the resolution of any disputes or questions related to this website or the activities carried out on it Spanish legislation will be applicable, and the parties specifically submit themselves to said legislation, being such legislation competent for the resolution of conflicts arising or related to the use of this website to the Courts of Madrid.