Become a member!

Thank you for considering partnering with Galehi! If you want to be part of this great diverse family, participate in activities and get involved in issues that affect homoparentality, follow these 2 steps:
  • Fill out and send us the following form, one for each adult in the family who wishes to enroll.
  • Pay the fee, which is € 50 per adult annually. Minors do not pay fees.


Thank you! Your donation will support our work in different areas. At Galehi we work for:

  • the visibility of all family models,
  • the equal rights of LGTBI families,
  • the prevention of bullying due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Offer your talent

If your specialty is in education, finance, culture, health, communication or any other sector and you wish to collaborate, you could either join our work team or prepare workshops, please contact us.

Any help is welcomed!

Sponsor or include Galehi in your Corporate Social Responsibility Plan

Help us by sponsoring an event, conference or activity organized by Galehi, whether you are a company or a natural person.

You can also include us in the grants of the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan of your company, whether they are economic, material or human resources.