Escuelas Diversas is an educational project that consists of creating a quality seal for nurseries, schools or institutions that want to certify that they are centers that educate on family diversity, sexual and gender identity. All the personnel involved in the project will be trained and provided with materials:

  • Management / Teaching staff / Psychological cabinet
  • Student body Families
  • School parent associations

If your center wants to be part of the project, please fill out the following form and we will send you a budget and more details:

Age of schooling included*

No. of classrooms and average number of students per classroom*. Ex: 3 classrooms / 24 students.

      • You will inform families about the commencement of the project for participation.
      • You will use inclusive language in all internal and external communications (periodic review). (revisión periódica).
      • You will receive training on the topics selected by Galehi.
      • You will apply the concepts learned in the training and will comply with the periodic evaluations.
      • You will use inclusive language in all internal and external communications (periodic review).
      • You will include cross-sectionally the topics covered in the cycle and classroom programs, in addition to the ideas of the educational center.
      • You will implement the "Color Library" and will complete the periodic evaluations.
      • You will celebrate the "Family Day" in the center, raising the concept of father and the mother for each household (two-year transition process).
      • You will rename School Parents Association to School Families Association.
      • You will install the certification plate at the entrance.
      • You will include the SEAL on the website of the center with a link to the space of the same in Galehi's website.
      • It will be evaluated every 4 years to renew the SEAL.